What Personality Are You Based On Your Sitting Position?


If you’re like most people, you spend a lot of your day sitting down. Whether you’re working at a computer or relaxing, sitting is quite common. However, you may not realize that the way you sit can tell others a bit about your personality.

For example, the way you put your hands on your lap or cross your legs is very telling to those who know. Have you wondered what personality you are or how your sitting position might showcase that? It’s quite interesting! Keep reading to see what your seated position could be telling others about you!

Spreading out While Sitting

It’s often annoying to sit beside someone who spreads out their legs wide when they sit. They may have trouble concentrating on one thing or sitting still. Often, they love a fast-paced environment, are easily bored, and speak before they think.

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Where You Sit Gives Clues to Personality

If you have the choice of a couch, bench, or another seating area, it makes a difference. People who choose to sit in the middle are often more confident. They’re bold and tend to make friends more easily. Shy or introverted people might pick a side so that they’re not surrounded by others.


Seem Like Royalty When Crossing the Ankles

To look more sophisticated when you sit, cross your ankles. These people come off as down-to-earth, elegant, and refined. Since it’s a more relaxed position, everyone is more comfortable.


Show Flexibility By Choosing to Sit Cross-Legged

Many people who do yoga or meditation sit cross-legged, even when they aren’t practicing. They are often more carefree and open. The knees out to the side is interpreted as waiting to hear new ideas, making it emotionally and physically flexible.


Reclining Equals Observant

The world is often filled with external stimuli and is overwhelming. Those who sit in a reclined position might be trying to take everything in. Often, these people are analytical and don’t act out and might be called empaths.


Why Clasp Hands in the Lap

People who tightly clasp their hands together are often thought of as anxious. However, it signals that someone is emotional and passionate. You may naturally be drawn to those people because they are warm, trustworthy, and funny.


Type A People

Have you noticed that someone sits with their legs crossed and shakes or bounces the leg? It could mean they have the Type A personality. They are often reliable, prompt, and organized, staying calm under pressure.


Why Rest Your Hands in the Lap

People who have their hands resting in their laps without clasping them put others first and keep to themselves. They can control their emotions and rarely get upset. Typically, they are gentle, compassionate, and humble.

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Clutching Armrests

Armrests are a support system, so people clutch them when they need emotional and physical support. They may be sensitive and prefer to know their surroundings. Typically, they need more security and comfort, which the armrests symbolize.


Cross the Arms

If someone crosses their arms while sitting, you might think they’re unapproachable. However, they’re usually confident, defensive, and strong. They may feel the need to protect themselves and shield their bodies from the world.


Kneeling Caregivers

It’s often hard to sit in the kneeling position, but it goes along with being helpful and assertive. Caregivers often kneel to be at eye level with their charges. If you do it a lot, you might be a problem solver or natural-born leader.


Creative People

Someone who sits with the feet facing each other and knees together could be charismatic and creative. They’re a Type B personality and prefer spontaneity. Though they might get into trouble a lot, they also know how to get out of it.


Cross the Legs

If you cross your legs but don’t move them, you probably have a huge imagination. You get lost in daydreams and are great at telling stories. With that, you know yourself and are a good listener.


Sidesaddle Position

If you sit with your knees to the side, it’s called the sidesaddle position. You may be seen as sweet, caring, and delicate. It also indicates a flirty nature.


Folded Hands in the Lap

If someone folds their hands together regularly, they are often peaceful, kind, and calm. Generally, they are introverted and like alone-time but are passionate about those in their world.


Straight Legs

People who sit with their feet flat and legs straight are often rational, smart, neat, and punctual. They are reserved but enjoy talking honestly and openly when given the chance.


Good Posture

It’s important to have good posture when sitting. This often includes an erect and straight back. These people tend to be strong, confident, caring, reliable, and trustworthy. In general, they are responsible.

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A refined way to sit is to keep the legs together and tilted slightly to the side. These people often focus on their careers and are goal-oriented. They may even be perfectionists and could miss precious moments because of it.