7 Foods You Should Never Have On An Empty Stomach


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Everybody knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but did you know that you can't eat absolutely anything you want in the A.M.?Yogurt, a cup of coffee, and fresh orange juice this is what most people probably picture when they think of a perfect breakfast. Unfortunately, only a few people are aware that some foods are not very good for us if eaten on an empty stomach. so this article will guide you through what we should avoid in the morning.


Though tomatoes are enriched with Vitamin C and nutrients but should definitely be avoided on an empty stomach. The tannic acid present in tomatoes increases acidity in the stomach and may lead to gastric problems.so those who are having esophagus and ulcer problems they should avoid certain citrus foods like oranges,lemon.

2.Carbonated Drinks

Many people think that soft drinks are okay to consume anytime and anywhere, but is that true? What if we told you that drinking soft drinks on an empty stomach might cause a bloated stomach, or worse? Taking too many carbonated drinks increased acidic conditions in the stomach which in turn may be the cause of esophageal cancer. Acid is too high can also cause erosion. Too much carbonated water can also cause mutations Tues.We're serious. Think twice before you reach for that can of cola in the future, will you?

3.Shortcrust/Puff pastries

Early in the morning, it's easy to reach for the closest food and eat it quickly before running out of the house for work. Whether you have an empty stomach after waking up or later in the day, you might just grab a quick snack like a pastry or a fruit. However, those foods may actually not be the best for your stomach.it contains full of yeast which can irritate your stomach line.

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4.Spicy Foods

Eating spicy dishes on an empty stomach increases the odds that you’ll feel some stomach irritation. which can lead to acidic reactions and cramps. They are very sharp and strong taste and as such, it can trigger indigestion. Garlic, hot chili, and ginger are examples of spicy foods.


Sugar is very easy to digest. When sugar enters the empty stomach, the human body can not secrete enough of insulin to maintain its normal levels in the blood. This is a recipe for eye diseases. Moreover, sugar it is acid-forming foods that can disrupt the acid-alkaline balance. In fact those at risk of diabetes with high blood sugar should avoid sweets period.


Yogurt is full of lactic acid bacteria that have many health benefits. However, lactic acid is made ineffective by the acidity levels of an empty stomach acid. this kills the lactic acid bacteria present in these milk products and leads to acidity.It’s best to eat yogurt as a snack, 1-2 hours after a meal.Hence, eating these products should be avoided on an empty stomach.


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Pears contain crude fibre. When we eat it on an empty stomach, it may harm the delicate mucous membranes and cause stomach aches. it is advisable to pair it with some other grains or oatmeal.