7 Domestic Uses Of Coffe Grounds You Didn’T Know About


Oftentimes, coffee grounds are rendered and considered wastes and as such would usually be thrown away with zero remorse after enjoying a cup of coffee. I bet you didn’t know that there are other things coffee grounds do other than make a strong cup of coffee. Stick with us while you take you through everyday household chores coffee grounds excel at.

Ground coffee
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Funny smells

Although not a common knowledge, naturally coffee tends to neutralize unpleasant and irritable smells and odors. Smells such as strong garlic or onion smell from storage containers, the fridge and even odors from the mouth. With practically no stress, just suck on a coffee bean to remove such smells.


Treat puffy eyes

Most mornings, irrespective of how many cups of coffee you take, you’d realize although not sleepy, you’d look really sleepy. Now, there are quite a number of tricks to get rid of dark circles. The caffeine in coffee explains the mystery of its effective use since it helps to improve blood circulation. All you’d have to do is mix some of the coffee grounds with water or olive oil, then carefully apply the mix around the eye, leave on for about fifteen minutes and wash off. In no time, you’re awake and you’d look awake.

Repel insects

Apparently, insects, especially ants and fleas are no fans of coffee. This in fact, makes the drink quite useful. Just position a cup of coffee grounds in strategic places to repel the insects. The coffee grounds can also be used as a kind of candle lighting to repel mosquitoes, especially during summer although you would need to be careful with the fire.

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Marinate meat

You would be surprised to know that because of the acid in the coffee grounds, marinating meat with it makes the flavor of the meat even stronger. So, you can marinate your meat with coffee grounds for extra flavor.

Clean pots and pans

It gets pretty annoying when you accidentally burn something in your pan. Here’s a stress-free method to scrap off burnt food and pans. All you need do is place it in the bottom of the pan and rub it with a scouring pad.


Wash the hair

Another use of coffee grounds is washing your hair with it. This helps to remove remnants of hairspray and dry shampoo while also leaving your hair sleek and smooth. Although you’d have to be careful not to discolor light-colored hair with the coffee brown.

Unclog the sink

Another intriguing trick is the use of coffee grounds to unclog a sink or even a bathroom. You would need to first, pour the coffee grounds in the sink, then add detergent and boiling water to make the magic.

Keep this in mind

Most importantly, ensure you do not keep the coffee grounds for too long so it doesn’t get moldy. Interested in trying out these tricks? Head on with your cup of coffee and then start with fresh ground coffee!

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